Once you’ve published your content, it’s time to market it to the masses. Yes, organic search engine results are wonderful and you’ve optimized to take advantage of that avenue but you shouldn’t rely on organic results completely. Think of how many people have online businesses and how many are in your industry. Chances are high that if you don’t tell people yourself about what you do, they may not find you at all.
“Just because you have a blog doesn’t automatically mean you’re going to get traffic. Blog does not equal traffic.”
~ Neil Patel, Best Selling Author, Marketer, Influencer
Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn! Publishing content is how you will attract new followers via social media and marketing your content needs to be a consistent, daily effort. However, there’s a fine line between marketing consistently and spamming people with your content. Nobody ever likes spammers so work on sharing your content in a way that builds relationships.
Promote Your Content on Social Media
Start with sharing your content on your preferred social media channel(s). These posts can be your full blog post or an excerpt with a link back to your blog based on what the platform allows.
Don’t stop with one post! Consider promoting the same blog post multiple times. Social media moves quickly and you have a better chance of more people seeing your posts when you publish multiple times. At a minimum, you should share the post multiple times over the next 2 weeks. Better yet invest in a solution like Missinglettr.com that will schedule post periodically for up to one year.
Or you can start a conversation about the same topic and add a link to the blog post in the comments section. When someone adds a comment to the conversation, be sure to answer. Not only does this keep the conversation going but it shows that you’re attentive and caring about your audience.
If you are active on LinkedIn, be sure and post your blog as an article. This allows you to further establish your professional identity by expressing your opinions and sharing your experiences with the professional audience on LinkedIn.
You can also use social media ads to bring your content to more people. Facebook and Instagram ads are very popular and easy to set up. They provide such an incredible way to leverage your business and the programs that you offer, to specific, ideal clients. You can target your ideal client’s location, age, gender, interests, and mirror those interests to your business.
There are so many ways to target your social media ads but the rules can get complicated. You can hire somebody to do this for you or you can learn the ropes yourself. But you will need to use social media ads if you want to drive paid traffic to your content.
Always Use a Call To Action
Anytime you post something anywhere online you should have a call-to-action. This is where you want to share those blogs, and when you drive them off Facebook or Instagram to your blog, there should be another call-to-action at the bottom leading them to one of your paid offerings.
Promote Your Content to Your List
Don’t forget to send emails to your list. As long as you’re creating content that is specific to your niche market, your list will grow as will your profits. Make mention of your latest blog posts and of course, announce any paid courses you have available.
At minimum you should email once a week, to keep your readers familiar with your name, but some experts even suggest emailing every day, provided you have information to share and it doesn’t always sound like a sales pitch.
By establishing this relationship with your readers, you’re showing them your expertise. Now you’re just going to enhance that relationship and get your ideal client to hire you through promotional emails and offering ways to work with you. At the same time, you must hit all their pain points for your marketing to be effective.
Promote your Content with Curation and Bookmarking
Submitting your blog posts to websites that function as bookmarking sites or discovery engines will increase your SEO and enhance your credibility as an expert by getting your writing in front of more of your target audience. In some cases, you simply post a link and short description of your blog post. On others, you post the entire content.
Two sites I recommend Business2Community.com and Medium.com. You should also research sites specific to your industry.
Need more guidance?
I have a planner, Content Promotion: A Step by Step Guide to Promoting Your Content, that will walk you through the entire process.